Growth Through Prayer and Worship

Fellowship and mutual support are some of our most important work. Trinity’s parishioners and friends walk with each other in times of joy and in the times when we struggle. Along the way, we discover how God is moving in each other’s lives. We are a community where what binds us together is simply that God has called us together.

On Wednesdays throughout the year, members of Trinity gather for lunch and working together in our Creative Circle.

For decades, Trinity has celebrated the Christmas season with our Silver Tea and Christmas Fair. Originally begun to raise money for war bonds, all of our proceeds now go to help those in need both in our community and around the world.

Oh, how good and pleasant it is, to live together in unity!
— cf. Psalm 133:1


At the heart of our community is our common prayer together. Whether it is on Sunday morning Eucharists or throughout the week at our daily services of Morning Prayer, we come together to thank God for the gifts we find in our lives and to offer up our prayers and concerns.

Our early service at 7:45am is a simple, traditional language service of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion), while at 10:30 we sing hymns and celebrate our musical traditions. At this service we use both more traditional as well as more contempory language. On Sunday evening, we close our Sunday prayers with a traditional language Evening Prayer service at 5pm. On weekdays, we gather via zoom at 7am to open our day with Morning Prayer.

We pray the psalms, listen to the Scriptures, and ask God’s blessing on the new day. We also say Morning Prayer on Saturdays at 8am (so we have a chance to sleep in a bit).

On the first Saturday of the month, we have our monthly witness for victims of gun violence in America. This is part of our usual 8am service. Please click here for more information about this witness.

Our regular schedule is enriched with periodic prayers in the Taizé tradition as well as other chanted services for holy days.

Please click here for a full listing of our upcoming services.

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his Name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
— cf. Psalm 29:2